Rubber Articoli Tecnici s.r.l.

designs his sealing rings for industry

working in compliance with ISO9001:2015 standard Certificates Quality System. All Rubber Articoli Tecnici s.r.l. production processes are managed according to the standard provided by this regulation.

All pre-sale and post-sale activities furthermore conform with the standard.

Rubber Articoli Tecnici s.r.l. defines among its mains goals the correct quality level of the products, to meet every market need, from the moulds design to the sealing rings production, shipping and after-sale assistance.

Among our mains goals we are focused on environment safety through the proper disposal of waste, research and improvement of product’s quality and raw materials.

Her below you can download the quality certificate.

Rubber Articoli Tecnici SRL has a quality policy, annually reviewed, used as a reference and regulation in business relations and strategies. This document is available by requesting it in the CONTACTS section

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